Membership Benefits Await
SFNE is the only organization in New England supporting the structural and miscellaneous steel fabrication industry, and allied companies, serving the building and bridge construction markets in our region. Our goal is to promote the use of fabricated structural steel and miscellaneous metals in buildings, bridges, and similar structures through education, legislative advocacy, and networking activities.
As a member of SFNE you will:
Meet and network with other members to develop personal relationships that we know can help you get new jobs and increase your profits
Receive our quarterly newsletter, providing updates on key legislative issues, industry news, and SFNE events
Discounted registration for SFNE meetings and educational content
Get a FREE listing on the SFNE website, including a link to your website
Benefit from legislative advocacy and protection
The annual cost of an SFNE membership is only $700. We are confident that your investment will prove invaluable. If you establish just one new relationship at an SFNE meeting, you will realize the value of your small SFNE investment.
fabricator membership
Legislative Information and Advocacy
SFNE’s legislative advocacy protects and promotes the New England steel fabrication industry. Currently, SFNE is engaged in a legislative effort to reduce the number of publicly funded steel fabrication jobs in New England that are awarded to foreign companies. .
SFNE gives fabricators the chance to interact with new colleagues, vendors, and the steel mills. If you could solve one sourcing issue or meet another fabricator that could sub work for you or vice versa, how valuable would that be?
SFNE conducts seminars and educational programs to help steel fabricators address everyday business issues and improve profitability.
Trade membership
Product and Service Promotion
SFNE meetings provide a great sponsorship opportunity for Trade Members to increase visibility in the New England marketplace. During meeting networking receptions, Trade Member Sponsors have a chance to promote their products and services with industry leaders.
Fabricator Interaction
Structural and miscellaneous steel fabricators recognize SFNE Trade Members as strong supporters of the industry. SFNE meetings and seminars bring together the industry’s leaders to exchange information on topics of mutual concern.
In addition, social events such as the annual golf tournament provide opportunities to meet with colleagues in an informal setting to expand your circle of valuable business contacts in the New England Marketplace.