about us

about us
Mission Statement
The Steel Fabricators of New England (SFNE) is an association of structural steel and miscellaneous metal fabricators and allied companies that serve the building and bridge construction markets in New England. The mission of SFNE is to promote the use of its members’ domestically fabricated structural steel and miscellaneous metals in buildings, bridges, and similar structures through education, legislative advocacy, and networking activities.
SFNE board of directors
Are you willing to step forward as a leader in the industry and join the SFNE Board of Directors? The SFNE Board of Directors is seeking qualified candidates to be considered for Board service. If you have a strong commitment to the steel fabrication industry and are willing to help make a difference, please click here to complete the nomination application.
Stephen Chasse, SL Chasse Steel
Vice President
James McBrady, James A. McBrady
Colleen Wiesbrock, Intsel Steel
Lori Chasse, SL Chasse Steel
Immediate Past President
Stephen Capone, Capone Iron Corporation
Kris Kraft, EDM Construction
Hollie Novelestsky, Novel Iron Works
David Orlando, Berlin Steel Construction
Matt Zilliox, Auciello Iron Works
John Roy, Connecticut Galvanizing
Mike Sams, Kenney & Sams, PC
Justin Schietinger, Intsel Steel
Rick Coughlin, Quinn Brothers of Essex
Government Affairs Task Force
SFNE is engaged in efforts to have legislation passed in the New England states to reduce the level of publicly funded steel fabrication jobs awarded to foreign companies. The goal is to require that construction projects built with taxpayer funds give preference to U.S. manufacturers when buying steel, iron, and other materials for new buildings and renovations. The passage of the legislation will add local jobs, generate needed tax revenue for government services, and create considerable economic activity for many sectors of our economies. SFNE created the Buy American Task Force to move these legislative initiatives forward. For more information, click here.
Stephen Capone, Capone Iron Corporation
David Cronin, Jr., D. Cronin’s Welding Service
John de Vries, Central Steel Supply
Adam Fallon, USI
Brian Lombardozzi, Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM)
James McBrady, James A. McBrady, Inc
Brett Miller, Building Envelope Systems
Hollie Noveletsky, Novel Iron Works
Mike Sams, Kenney & Sams
Bruce Berke, Sheehan Phinney Capitol Group
Mark Haight, Reliance Steelt
Steve Chasse, SL Chasse Steel
Education Committee
The SFNE Education Committee analyzes the membership’s educational needs and makes recommendations for programs to meet those specific needs. They arrange for speakers and the dissemination of information in the SFNE Newsletter, on the Association’s website and social media platforms.
Mike Sams, Kenney & Sams, P.C.
Michael Feder, Infra-Metals
John Roy, Connecticut Galvanizing
Matt Zilliox, Auciello Iron Works
Justin Schietinger, Intsel Steel
Golf Tournament Committee
SFNE’s Golf Tournament Committee is responsible for planning the annual tournament. They develop the agenda and the format of the tournament, recommend the prize structure, raffles, dates, locations and fees as well as register golfers for the event, dinner and awards program.
Chairman Justin Schietinger, Intsel Steel
Lori Chasse, S.L. Chasse Steel
Adam Fallon, USI New England
Paul Diedrich, Duncan Galvanizing
Steve Tapply, Northeast Machinery Sales, Inc.
Fermin Goitia, Building Envelope Systems
Join a Committee!
You can get even more from your investment in SFNE if you volunteer to serve on a committee. As a committee volunteer, you can help the Association, make sure your company’s interests are heard and have more opportunities to network with your colleagues. SFNE committee members plan educational programs, legislative initiatives, the golf tournament, and develop membership recruitment and retention campaigns. You may volunteer to serve yourself or you can nominate someone else from your company to serve. Each committee determines how often they meet, but to save time, the majority of meetings are held by conference call.